I Get So Mad at the World
So, I have been watching the news, and about how yet again our government wants to just toss out money to try and fix the economy, without any regard past the immediate future. Our constitution was based upon a system of freedom, and placing value upon those freedoms, and we continually taint those pure statements to place immediate fixes on selfish greediness. When it comes to handing crisis, we do well, but without the crisis, it seems our nation is lost, and has to create crisis yet again to know how to function. Why is that? It really is unfortunate that we can't seem to set up a healthy plan and maintain it instead of it having to waver according to political party or persons in power. Erg! What a mess....and it just gets me angry because I don't know what I can do to make a difference. I know that some policies that are being passed are just plain wrong, but there really is no accountability when it comes to the implementation of new bills. If we the people would actually exercise the expectation, and power of accountability, maybe there would be more effective change.....ergh!