The Power of Credit

How does one challenge an institution? I would like to know. I have a couple of credit card companies that I contacted when I was unable to obtain employment and I knew that I couldn't meet minimum balance payment. I was told that unless I couldn't financially qualify for one of thier special programs, that there was nothing I could do. So, after calling a couple months later, again, still jobless and actively seeking, I get the same curt dismissal. Well, I have had excellent credit rating, and paid off significant past loans, and now that times are tough, and I can't pay them back, though I have tried, they still basically choose to spit in my face. It is attitudes like this that cause me to want to fight back and dirty. Is it possible to do so, and yet still be a forgiving person. Instead of being bitten, I want to do the biting, and draw blood! So, now my credit is going to be shot. What is the point then of trying to do the right thing if the world doesn't care?